Xennial =
work ethic of generation X + the tech fluidity of a millennial
Entrepreneurship and leadership come naturally to me. When I look at a situation it is generally with the lens of desire to make the situation better and more efficient. I came to the tech world after a decade and a half of running my own business. Designing and running our website on Shopify was the part of the business I loved the most.
To me product management lives in the gap between technology and people. Lining up the needs of the people fluidly with the opportunities that tech provides can create potentially revolutionary changes. In order to keep people at center of every product, I believe that one needs primarily to be empathetic and truly care about the needs of the people targeted by the technology.
Outside of work I like to adventure up north, especially camping on Lake Superior. As an avid reader, I host and run a book club. I enjoy fiber arts like knitting and weaving, and love to learn any new craft.